Corporate Governance

Board Committees

Board Committees

  • Audit Committee
    • Chairman

      Hyunhan Shin

    • Composition

      3 outside & independent directors (Hyunhan Shin,  Mooil Moon, Insill Yi)

    • Responsibility

      Audit of company accounting & business operation

    • Major Activity
      Oct. 26, 2023

      Report on financial statements for 3Q23

      Report on review result of internal accounting management system for 1H23

      Report on evaluation of internal accounting system management for 1H23

      Report on preliminary review of sponsorship for 3Q23

      Report on internal audit result for 3Q23

      Report on independent audit review for 3Q23

      Jul. 27, 2023

      Report on financial statements for 1H23

      Report on evaluation of internal accounting system management for 2023

      Report on internal audit result for 2Q23

      Report on preliminary review of sponsorship for 2Q23

      Report on independent audit review for 1H23

      Apr. 27, 2023

      Report on financial statements for 1Q23

      Report on internal accounting system management plan for 2023

      Report on internal audit result for 1Q23

      Report on independent audit plan for 2023

      Mar. 15, 2023

      Appointment of the Audit Committee Chairperson

      Feb. 22, 2023

      Report on final audit report by the Audit Committee

      Report on evaluation of internal accounting management system

      Assessment of activities of internal compliance system

      Report on 38th AGM agenda

      Jan. 26, 2023

      Report on review result of internal accounting management system for 2022

      Report on financial statements and annual report for 2022

      Report on internal audit activities for 4Q22 and audit plan for 2023

      Report on preliminary review of sponsorship for 4Q22

      Report on independent audit progress for 2022

      Nov. 14, 2022

      Determination of the terms and conditions of the audit contract with the designated independent auditor

      Oct. 27, 2022

      Report on financial statements for 3Q22

      Report on review result of internal accounting management system for 1H22

      Report on evaluation of internal accounting system management for 1H22

      Report on preliminary review of sponsorship for 3Q22

      Report on internal audit result for 3Q22

      Report on independent audit review for 3Q22

      Jul. 28, 2022

      Report on financial statements for 1H22

      Report on evaluation of internal accounting system management for 2022

      Report on internal audit result for 2Q22

      Report on preliminary review of sponsorship for 2Q22

      Report on independent audit review for 1H22

      Apr. 28, 2022

      Report on financial statements for 1Q22

      Report on internal accounting system management plan for 2022

      Report on internal audit result for 1Q22

      Report on preliminary review of sponsorship for 1Q22

      Report on independent audit plan for 2022

      Feb. 15, 2022

      Report on final audit report by the Audit Committee

      Report on evaluation of internal accounting management system

      Assessment of activities of internal compliance system

      Report on 37th AGM agenda

      Jan. 27, 2022

      Revision of internal accounting management regulations

      Report on review result of internal accounting management system for 2021

      Report on financial statements and annual report for 2021

      Report on internal audit activities for 4Q21 and audit plan for 2022

      Report on preliminary review of sponsorship for 4Q21

      Report on independent audit progress for 2021

      Oct. 27, 2021

      Report on financial statements for 3Q21

      Report on review result of internal accounting management system for 1H21

      Report on internal audit result for 3Q21

      Report on evaluation of internal accounting system management for 1H21

      Report on preliminary review of sponsorship for 3Q21

      Report on independent audit review for 3Q21

      Jul. 27, 2021

      Report on financial statements for 1H21

      Report on evaluation of internal accounting system management for 2021

      Report on internal audit result for 2Q21

      Report on preliminary review of sponsorship for 2Q21

      Report on independent audit review for 1H21

      Apr. 22, 2021

      Report on financial statements for 1Q21

      Report on internal accounting system management plan for 2021

      Report on internal audit result for 1Q21

      Report on preliminary review of sponsorship for 1Q21

      Report on independent audit plan for 2021

      Feb. 16, 2021

      Report on final audit report by the Audit Committee

      Report on evaluation of internal accounting management system

      Assessment of activities of internal compliance system

      Report on 36th AGM agenda

      Jan. 28, 2021

      Report on review result of internal accounting management system for 2020

      Report on financial statement for 2020

      Report on internal audit activities for 4Q20 and audit plan for 2021

      Report on preliminary review of sponsorship for 4Q20

      Report on independent audit progress for 2020

      Dec. 17, 2020

      Approval of regulation for appointment of independent auditor

      Report on appointment of independent auditor

      Oct. 22, 2020

      Report on financial statements for 3Q20

      Report on review result of internal accounting management system for 1H20

      Report on internal audit results for 3Q20

      Report on evaluation of internal accounting management system for 1H20

      Report on preliminary review of sponsorship for 3Q20

      Report on review of independent auditor appointment 3Q20

      Jul. 23, 2020

      Report on financial statements for 1H20

      Report on result of internal accounting control system management for 2020

      Report on internal audit activities for 2Q20

      Report on preliminary review of sponsorship for 2Q20

      Report on review of independent auditor appointment 1H20

      Apr. 23, 2020

      Report on financial statements for 1Q20

      Report on internal accounting control system management & plan for 2020

      Report on internal audit activities for 1Q20 & audit plan for 2020

      Report on preliminary review of sponsorship for 1Q20

      Report on audit plan for 2020

      Mar. 18, 2020

      Election of Chairman of the Audit Committee

      Feb. 18, 2020

      Report on final audit report by the Audit Committee

      Report on evaluation of internal accounting management system

      Assessment of activities of internal compliance system

      Report on review of the 35th AGM agenda

      Jan. 30, 2020

      Report on review result of internal accounting management system for 2019

      Report on financial statements for 2019

      Report on sponsorship expense for 4Q19

      Report on internal audit activites for 4Q19 & audit plan for 2020

      Report on evaluation of internal accounting management system for 2019

      Report on audit activities of internal accounting management system for 2019

      Oct. 24, 2019

      Report on accumulated sponsorship expense for 3Q19 and sponsorship plan for 4Q19

      Oct. 15, 2019

      Report on financial statements for 3Q19

      Report on 2019 architecture and 1H19 review result of internal accounting control system management

      Report on internal audit results for 3Q19

      Report on 1H19 review result of internal accounting control system management

      Report on 3Q19 financial review, internal accounting control system audit progress and plan

      Jul. 23, 2019

      Report on sponsorship expense for 2Q19

      Jul. 10, 2019

      Review on 1H19 financial results

      Report on internal accounting control system inspection plan for 2019

      Report on internal audit results for 1H19

      Report on principal items for 2019 financial review & internal accounting control system audit plan for 2019

      Apr. 25, 2019

      Report on sponsorship expense for 1Q19

      Apr. 17, 2019

      Review on 1Q19 financial results

      Report on financial audit plan for 2019

      Report on internal audit plan for 2019

      Mar. 05, 2019

      Report on final audit report by the Audit Committee

      Report on review result of internal accounting control system management

      Assessment on activities of internal compliance system

      Report on review of the annual general meeting of shareholders agenda

      Jan. 24, 2019

      Report on Review Result of Internal Accounting Control System Management for 2018

      Report on financial statements for 2018

      Report on sponsorship expense for 4Q18

      Oct. 25, 2018

      Report on financial statements for 3Q18

      July. 26, 2018

      Report on financial statements for 2Q18

      Apr. 30, 2018

      Report on financial statements for 1Q18

      Mar. 06, 2018

      Report on final audit report by the Audit Committee

      Report on review result of internal accounting control system management

      Assessment on activities of internal compliance system

      Report on review of the annual general meeting of shareholders agenda

      Report on Appointment of Independent Auditor

      Feb. 02, 2018

      Report on Review Result of Internal Accounting Control System Management

      Report on financial statements for 2017

      Report on sponsorship expense for 4Q17

      Oct. 25, 2017

      Report on financial statements for 3Q17

      Jul. 21, 2017

      Report on financial statements for 2Q17

      Report on sponsorship expense for 2Q17

      Apr. 24, 2017

      Report on financial statements for 1Q17

      Mar. 24, 2017

      Election of chairman of the Audit Committee

      Mar. 7, 2017

      Report on final audit report by the Audit Committee

      Report on review result of internal accounting control system management

      Assessment on activities of internal compliance system

      Report on review of the annual general meeting of shareholders agenda

      Jan. 23, 2017

      Report on 2016 management of internal accounting control system

      Report on 2016 financial statements and business report

      Oct. 26, 2016

      Report on financial statements for 3Q16

      Jul. 20, 2016

      Report on financial statements for 2Q16

      Apr. 27, 2016

      Report on financial statements for 1Q16

      Mar. 11, 2016

      Election of chairman of the Audit Committee (Jae-Eun Lee)

      Feb. 19, 2016

      Report on final audit report by the Audit Committee

      Report on review result of internal accounting control system management

      Assessment on activities of internal compliance system

      Report on review of the annual general meeting of shareholders agenda

      Jan. 22, 2016

      Report on 2015 management of internal accounting control system

      Report on 2015 financial statements and business report

      Oct. 25, 2015

      Report on Financial Statements for 3Q15

      Jul. 23, 2015

      Report on Financial Statements for 2Q15

      Apr. 30, 2015

      Report on Financial Statements for 1Q15

      Report on Appointment of Independent Auditor

      Feb. 11, 2015

      Report on final audit report by the Audit Committee

      Assessment on activities of internal compliance system

      Report on review result of internal accounting control system management

      Report on review of the annual general meeting of shareholders agenda

      Report on Appointment of Independent Auditor

      Jan. 27, 2015

      Report on Review Result of Internal Accounting Control System Management

      Report on 2014 financial statements and business report

      Jul. 29, 2014

      Election of chairman of the Audit Committee (Seong-Woo Moon)

  • Related Party Transactions Committee
    • Chairman

      Mooil Moon

    • Composition

      3 outside & independent directors (Mooil Moon, Jaejin Lee, Hyunhan Shin)

    • Responsibility

      Monitors independency and transparency in management

      Review of arm's length transactions in related party transactions

    • Major Activity
      Dec. 14, 2023

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (1Q24)

      Oct. 26, 2023

      Approval for modification in payment of retirement pension insurance for 2023

      Sep. 26, 2023

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (4Q23)

      Jun. 28, 2023

      Approval of Payment of retirement pension insurance

      Application of employee group insurance

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (3Q23)

      Mar. 30, 2023

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (2Q23)

      Mar. 15, 2023

      Appointment of the Related Party Transactions Committee Chairperson

      Dec. 15, 2022

      Approval of company support on employee pension plan

      Approval of Payment of retirement pension insurance

      Approval for modification in payment of retirement pension insurance

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (1Q23)

      Sep. 28, 2022

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (4Q22)

      Jun. 28, 2022

      Application of employee group insurance

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (3Q22)

      Mar. 25, 2022

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (2Q22)

      Dec. 16, 2021

      Payment of retirement pension insurance

      Approval of company support on Employee Pension Plan

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (1Q22)

      Approval for modification of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (4Q21)

      Sep. 28, 2021

      Payment of retirement pension insurance

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (4Q21)

      Approval for modification of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (3Q21)

      Jun. 24, 2021

      Application of employee group insurance

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (3Q21)

      Approval for modification of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (2Q21)

      Apr. 22, 2021

      Approval of company support on Employee Pension Plan

      Mar. 26, 2021

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (2Q21)

      Dec. 17, 2020

      Payment of retirement pension insurance

      Nov. 30, 2020

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (1Q21)

      Sep. 15, 2020

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (4Q20)

      Jun. 29, 2020

      Application of employee group insurance

      May. 19, 2020

      Approval of Company Support on Employee Pension Plan

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (3Q20)

      Mar. 18, 2020

      Election of Chairman of the Related Party Transactions Committee

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (2Q20)

      Oct. 24, 2019

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates(1Q20)

      Approval for modification of Merchandise & Service Transactions with Affiliates(4Q19)

      Payment of retirement pension insurance

      Jul. 23, 2019

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (4Q19)

      Apr. 25, 2019

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (3Q19)

      Approval of company support on Employee Pension Plan

      Application of employee group insurance with Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance

      Mar. 20, 2019

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (2Q19)

      Oct. 25, 2018

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (1Q19)

      Payment of retirement pension insurance

      July. 26, 2018

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (4Q18)

      Apr. 30, 2018

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (3Q18)

      Approval of Company Support on Employee Pension Plan

      Application of employee group insurance with Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance

      Approval of investment to related party

      Mar. 06, 2018

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (2Q18)

      Oct. 25, 2017

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (1Q18)

      Payment of retirement pension insurance to Samsung Life Insurance

      Jul. 21, 2017

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (4Q17)

      Apr. 24, 2017

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (3Q17)

      Transaction for company support on employee pension plan

      Transaction for employee group insurance with Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance

      Mar. 24, 2017

      Election of chairman of the Related Party Transactions Committee

      Mar. 7, 2017

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (2Q17)

      Oct. 26, 2016

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (1Q17)

      Payment of retirement pension insurance to Samsung Life Insurance

      Jul. 20, 2016

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (4Q16)

      Apr. 27, 2016

      Payment of employee pension plan to Samsung Life Insurance and Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance

      Application of employee group insurance with Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance

      Approval of real estate sublease contract with Samsung C&T

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (3Q16)

      Mar. 11, 2016

      Election of chairman of the Related Party Transactions Committee (JungHo Park)

      Feb. 19, 2016

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (1Q16)

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates (2Q16)

      Nov. 20, 2015

      Transactions with related party

      Oct. 25, 2015

      Approval of merchandise & service transactions with affiliates

      Payment of retirement pension insurance to Samsung Life Insurance

      Approval of fixed deposit transfer from Credu

      Real estate lease contract with Credu

      Jul. 23, 2015

      Approval of Merchandise & Service Transactions with Affiliates

      Approval for modification of Merchandise & Service Transactions with Affiliates

      Apr. 30, 2015

      Approval of Company Support on Employee Pension Plan

      Approval of Transaction for Employee Group Insurance

      Approval of Merchandise & Service Transactions with Affiliates

      Feb. 11, 2015

      Approval of Merchandise & Service Transactions with Affiliates

      Jul. 29, 2014

      Election of chairman of the Related Party Transactions Committee (Seong-Woo Moon)

  • Independent Director Recommendation Committee
    • Chairman

      Jaejin Lee

    • Composition

      3 outside & independent directors (Mooil Moon, Jaejin Lee, Insill Yi)

    • Responsibility

      Responsibility Recommending independent director candidates for a general meeting of shareholders

    • Major Activity
      Mar. 15, 2023

      Appointment of the Independent Director Recommendation Committee Chairperson

      Feb. 22, 2023

      Recommendation of candidates for Independent Director (Hyunhan Shin)

      Recommendation of candidates for Independent Director (Seung-Ah Cho)

      Recommendation of candidates for Independent Director (Mooil Moon)

      Recommendation of candidates for Independent Director (Jaejin Lee)

      Mar. 18, 2020

      Election of Chairman of the Independent Director Recommendation Committee

      Feb. 18, 2020

      Recommendation of candidates for Independent Director (Jae-Man Yu)

      Recommendation of candidates for Independent Director (Hyuck Yoo)

      Recommendation of candidates for Independent Director (Hyunhan Shin)

      Recommendation of candidates for Independent Director (Seung-Ah Cho)

      Mar. 7, 2017

      Recommendation of candidates for Independent Director

  • Management Committee
    • Chairman

      Sungwoo Hwang

    • Composition

      3 inside directors (Sungwoo Hwang, Jungtae Ahn, Hyungjoon Koo)

    • Responsibility

      Review and draw resolution on major business matters delegated by the Board of Directors

    • Major Activity
      Sep. 20, 2023

      Additional investment in GPU for generative AI service

      Jul. 27, 2023

      Donation of unused laptops in 2023

      Jul. 26, 2023

      Approval of the 6th long-term incentive payment for executives

      Jul. 18, 2023

      Donation of emergency relief funds for residents affected by torrential rains

      Jun. 16, 2023

      GPU investment for Samsung affiliates generative AI service

      May 31, 2023

      Reorganization of employee wage system

      Apr. 13, 2023

      Support for forest fire damage in Gangneung

      Mar. 15, 2023

      Approval of signing an investment contract for EMRO

      Dec. 23, 2022

      Change of installment payment ratio of long-term incentive payment for executives

      Nov. 2, 2022

      Support for casualties of the Itaewon disaster and Sponsoring donations for the social safety net establishment fund

      Aug. 11, 2022

      Donation of emergency relief funds for residents affected by torrential rains

      Aug. 10, 2022

      Sponsoring local contribution activities

      Jul. 28, 2022

      Investment on Suwon data center in replacing old facilities

      Jun. 10, 2022

      Return lawsuit of the 5th long-term incentive payment for executives

      May 31, 2022

      Investment on IT Infrastructure of Samsung Fire Insurance ERP operating system

      May 6, 2022

      Investment on IT Infrastructure of Pyeongtaek P3 Line Phase2

      Mar. 05, 2022

      Sponsoring Korea Disaster Relief Association

      Jan. 27, 2022

      Cancellation of the 5th long-term incentive payment for executives

      Nov. 11, 2021

      Approval of new office building construction in capital area

      Oct. 08, 2021

      Approval of Binding MOU with Zigbang for Home IoT business

      Jan. 27, 2021

      Approval of reducing amount of the 5th long-term incentive payment for executives

      Aug. 28, 2020

      Approval of the 5th long-term incentive payment for executives

      Jun. 23, 2020

      Investment on replacement of backbone infrastructure for Samsung Card

      Feb. 06, 2020

      Investment on construction of IT infrastructure for Samsung Electronics Next ERP

      Oct. 24, 2019

      Investment on Suwon IT Center enlargement

      Investment on MES establishment for Semiconductor Pyeongtaek Line

      Spnsoring Korea Disaster Response Association

      Aug. 26, 2019

      Sale of Gwacheon & Daeduk Data center

      Jul. 23, 2019

      Acquisition of shares of CMC Corporation by SDSAP

      Sponsoring ACM-ICPC Regional Contest

      May. 14, 2019

      Liquidation of Samsung SDS Global SCL Germany GmbH

      Apr. 08, 2019

      Sponsoring Korea Disaster Relief Association

      Mar. 14, 2019

      Approval of dissolution and appointment of liquidator of the branch of Iran

      Investment in land purchase for HPC Data center construction

      Aug. 02, 2018

      Installment of server rooms in Sangam IT Center

      July. 02, 2018

      Sponsoring ACM-ICPC Regional Contest

      Mar. 05, 2018

      Withdrawl of AFC Business

      Feb. 05, 2018

      Establishment of overseas logistics branch

      Establishment of overseas logistics Joint Venture

      Jan. 15, 2018

      Establishment of finance backup center

      Nov. 13, 2017

      Establishment of overseas logistics Joint Venture

      Oct. 11, 2017

      Investment of infrastructure establishment for Semiconductor MES

      Providing scholarships for college students

      Sep. 18, 2017

      Establishment of overseas logistics Joint Venture

      Aug. 8, 2017

      Establishment of overseas logistics Joint Venture

      Jul. 12, 2017

      Establishment of overseas logistics Joint Venture in Vietnam

      Jul. 3, 2017

      Approval of the 4th long-term incentive payment for executives

      Sponsoring programming competition of college students

      May. 8, 2017

      Sponsoring IT scholarships for adolescents with disabilities

      Providing scholarships for college students

      Apr. 6, 2017

      Establishment of overseas logistics Joint Venture

      Feb. 6, 2017

      Establishment of 6 overseas logistics branches

      Aug. 12, 2016

      Establishment of logistics Joint Venture in Vietnam

      Establishment of 9 overseas logisitics branches in Europe region

      Establishment of infrastructure for Semiconductor MES


      Jul. 11, 2016

      Agreement of credit limit for payment guarantee of the project

      Jul. 04, 2016

      Establishment of overseas logistics Joint Venture

      May. 02, 2016

      Liquidation of Chile branch

      Feb. 01, 2016

      Sale of Seongnae campus

      Establishment of overseas logistics branch

      Jan. 07, 2016

      Establishment of finance backup center

      Dec. 8, 2015

      Sale of stake in a subsidiary

      Nov. 9, 2015

      Establishment of overseas logistics branch

      Sep. 7, 2015


      Secondary Investment for Samsung Electronics Disaster Recovery System Project

      Aug. 19, 2015

      Establishment of IT subsidiary in Vietnam

      Jun. 19, 2015

      Additional Investment for Next-Generation mySingle System

      Jun. 1, 2015

      Providing Rights of Using SEMP Source for Smartdot Technologies Co., Ltd. (China)

      Apr. 6, 2015

      Donation to Public Foundation

      Investment for Samsung Electronics Disaster Recovery System Project

      Mar. 4, 2015

      Close-down of Abu Dhabi Branch Office

      Jan. 12, 2015

      Spin-off of ETC (Electronic-Toll-Collection) Business

      Compensation Claim for Termination of Buisness with DHA (Dhubai Health Athority)

      Conclusion of contract of ERP system development for Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance

      Nov. 3, 2014

      Establishment of R&D Center in India

      Oct. 6, 2014

      Execution of MOU with Pure Storage Inc.

      Establishment of Guangzhou Branch in China

      Sep. 01, 2014

      Donation to the public utility foundation

      Investment for telephony, video conference equipments

  • Compensation Committee
    • Chairman

      Insill Yi

    • Composition

      3 outside & independent directors (Insill Yi, Jaejin Lee, Hyunhan Shin)

    • Responsibility

      Review on remuneration ceiling and compensation system for directors

      Review and draw resolution on set-up and amend of compensation system

      Review and draw resolution on special compensation if necessary

    • Major Activity
      Mar. 15, 2023

      Appointment of the Compensation Committee Chairperson

      Feb. 22, 2023

      Decision of remuneration ceiling for directors

      Review on annual salary for inside directors

      Feb. 15, 2022

      Decision of remuneration ceiling for directors

      Review on annual salary for inside directors

      Dec. 21, 2021

      Payment of special bonus for Inside Directors

      Feb. 16, 2021

      Decision of Remuneration Ceiling for Directors

      Review on annual salary for Inside Directors

      Mar. 18, 2020

      Election of Chairman of the Compensation Committee

      Feb. 18, 2020

      Decision of Remuneration Ceiling for Directors

      Review on annual salary for Inside Directors

      Mar. 05, 2019

      Decision of Remuneration Ceiling for Directors

      Mar. 06, 2018

      Decision of Remuneration Ceiling for Directors

      Mar. 24, 2017

      Election of Chairman of the Compensation Committee

      Mar. 7, 2017

      Decision of Remuneration Ceiling for Directors

      Feb. 19, 2016

      Decision of Remuneration Ceiling for Directors

      Feb. 11, 2015

      Decision of Remuneration Ceiling for Directors

      Oct. 23, 2014

      Election of Chairman of the Compensation Committee (Seong-Woo Moon)

  • ESG Committee
    • Chairman

      Insill Yi

    • Composition

      1 inside director (Sung-Woo Hwang)

      4 outside directors (Insill Yi, Mooil Moon, Jaejin Lee, Hyunhan Shin)

    • Responsibility

      Enhance and create sustainable values with various stakeholders from ESG perspective

    • Major Activity
      Oct. 26, 2023

      ESG Briefing for 1H23

      Confirmation of Social and Governance projects

      Jul. 27, 2023

      Report on the publication of sustainability report

      Review of Social and Governance projects

      Apr. 27, 2023

      Report on ESG strategy establishment consulting results

      Report on main contents of Sustainability Report

      Mar. 15, 2023

      Appointment of the ESG Committee Chairperson

      Feb. 22, 2023

      Report on ESG strategy and vision establishment plan

      Jan. 26, 2023

      Pre-deliberation on dividend policy

      Report on ESG work plan 2023

      Oct. 27, 2022

      Report on Scope 3 Carbon emission status and management plan

      Sep. 29, 2022

      Report on progress of joining RE100

      Approval of Carbon neutral goal

      Jul. 28, 2022

      Report on the publication of sustainability report

      Report on the promotion of environmental management specialized tasks

      Jan. 27, 2022

      Reported ESG Work Plan 2022

      Reported environmental management operation plan

      Reported CSR 2.0 program and operation plan

      Oct. 27, 2021

      Established ESG Committee and elected chairman

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