Samsung SDS is making efforts to create a culture of compliance
by establishing a compliance management system and policies and operating Compliance programs
such as training, inspection, and Compliance Program Management System (CPMS),
so that all executives and employees can carry on business with a high level of compliance awareness.
Samsung SDS appoints a compliance officer through a resolution of the board of directors, and designates a compliance officer for each business division and FCS(Field Compliance Specialist), who is in charge of compliance for each field, under the supervision of the Compliance team, an organization dedicated to compliance activities, according to Compliance Standards and Operating Regulations .
Samsung SDS coordinates with department heads to manage regulatory risks in major management area such as Fair Trade, Subcontract Transaction, Anti-Corruption, Employee Misclassification, Business Regulation, Intellectual Property and Personal Information Protection.
Samsung SDS establishes Code of Conduct Guidelines based on Code of Conduct and implements specific policies on fair trade, anti-corruption, etc. to comply with laws and ethical standards to fulfill our social responsibilities.
Activities include providing employee trainning manuals and checklists, operating systems and reporting.Monitoring
Reinforcing regular monitoring and on-site self-monitoring activities through a dedicated team.Follow-up
When problems occur, identifying causes and establishing measures to prevent recurrence, while running evaluation and incentive programs.Prevention
Activities include providing employee trainning manuals and checklists, operating systems and reporting.Conduct various compliance training such as regular/special education and general/advanced education so that all employees including top management can recognize and practice necessary laws and company's compliance obligations when performing their duties.
Provide compliance management-related operating system, guidelines, latest legal trends, FAQs, etc., through the Compliance Platform CPMS (Compliance Program Management System).
Consultation support for Compliance-related inquiries through the "Contact Us" feature within CPMS. And Compliance chatbot.
Reinforcing regular monitoring and on-site self-monitoring activities through a dedicated team.Conduct constant/special inspection activities on managed items to prevent and detect illegal acts early.
Various internal and external reporting channels such as website, CPMS, hotline, etc., are operated so that violations of compliance can be reported at any time.
When problems occur, identifying causes and establishing measures to prevent recurrence, while running evaluation and incentive programs.After categorizing the legal risk factors in the anti-corruption and fair trader, establish a risk control plan for potential risks.
Improve processes to prevent recurrence based on the results of inspections and reports.
Rewards for outstanding activists and sanctions against violators are implemented according to the Compliance Standards and Compliance Operating Regulations.
Samsung Compliance Committee was officially launched on February 5, 2020 under the aim of practicing integrity-based management, one of our key values, by reinforcing compliance monitoring and control over the seven major member companies* of the Samsung Group. It is independently operated and totally free from Samsung’s intervention as independence and autonomy need to be guaranteed.
The committee consists of 6 external members, including the chairman and 1 internal member. The external members are selected from experts with professional knowledge and experience in various fields such as law, accounting, economy, and administration.
* Samsung SDS, Samsung Electronics, Samsung C&T, Samsung SDI, Samsung Electro-Mechanics,
Samsung Life Insurance, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance
Report to the Board of Directors on compliance support activities
Award for outstanding compliance activity
Evaluation of the effectiveness of Compliance Standards
Inspection of consignment transaction process under the Win-Win Cooperation Act
Compliance training for all employees (regular training_including subsidiaries)
Inspection of compliance with E-commerce and Fair Labeling and Advertising Law(dark patterns and AI/Green washing)
Dealership Law compliance inspection
Intellectual Property/Trade Secret Inspection
Production of Fair Trade Compliance Manual
Inspection of compliance with Subcontracting Law
Compliance training for all employees
Inspection of compliance with Dispatch Law
Announcement of CEO's commitment to compliance practice
Top management compliance training
Signing of compliance practice pledge by employees
Conducted a compliance check at overseas subsidiaries
Conducted FCS (Field Compliance Specialist) training
Production of new video content for fair trade education
Report to the Board of Directors on compliance support activities
Award for outstanding compliance activity,
Evaluation of the effectiveness of Compliance Standards
Conducted FCS Continuing education
Conducted a compliance check at overseas subsidiaries
Inspection of compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act
Compliance training for all employees (regular training_including subsidiaries)
Dealership Law compliance inspection
Inspection of compliance with Dispatch Act
Intellectual Property/Trade Secret Inspection
Inspection of consignment transaction process under the Win-Win Cooperation Ac
Inspection of compliance with Dispatch Law
Compliance training for all employees (regular training)
Announcement of CEO's commitment to compliance practice
Signing of compliance practice pledge by employees
Top management compliance training
Conducted FCS (Field Compliance Specialist) training.
Inspection of consignment transaction process under the Win-Win Cooperation Act
Inspection of compliance with subcontract technical data
Report to the Board of Directors on compliance support activities
Award for outstanding compliance activity,
Anti-corruption, Internal trading, agency legal risk assessment
Conducted FCS Continuing education
Inspection of compliance with Dispatch Act
Inspection of compliance with subcontract technical data
Inspection of compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act
Compliance training for all employees (regular training_including subsidiaries)
Inspection of consignment transaction process under the Win-Win Cooperation Act
Dealership Law compliance inspection
Intellectual Property/Trade Secret Inspection
Logistics business subcontract inspection
Training for external project personnel, etc. (all year round)
Inspection of compliance with Dispatch Law
Inspection of compliance with subcontract technical data
Conducted FCS (Field Compliance Specialist) training.
Announcement of CEO's commitment to compliance practice
Signing of compliance practice pledge by employees
Top management compliance training
Inspection of consignment transaction process under the Win-Win Cooperation Act
Notice of Holiday gift guide related to the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act (Revised law matters)
Inspection of consignment transaction process
Award for outstanding compliance activity,
Evaluating effectiveness of the compliance program,
Insider Trading Risk Inspection,
FCS continuing education
Inspection of compliance with the Dispatch Law
Inspection of Anti-corruption Risk
Inspection of compliance with agency law
Implementation of Compliance Chatbot 'Compliance Jikimi LawBot'
Inspection of compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act
Report to the Board of Directors on compliance support activities in the first half of the year
Inspection of compliance with the Win-Win Cooperation Act
Inspection of compliance with the Dispatch Law
Announcement of CEO's commitment to compliance practice
Conducted FCS (Field Compliance Specialist, Field Compliance Specialist) training.
Signing of compliance practice pledge by employees
Conducted compliance training for top management
Inspection of compliance with the Dispatch Law
Report to the Board of Directors on compliance support activities
Inspection of compliance with the Win-Win Cooperation Act
Outstanding Compliance Activity Award
4th Quarter Compliance Conference
Board of Directors Compliance Activity Report
Compliance of Personal Information Protection Act Inspection
Community Administrator Intelligence Property Education
Compliance of Subcontract Law Inspection
3rd Quarter Compliance Conference
Mutually Beneficial Cooperation Act and Consignment Business Inspection
Domestic Warehouse Business Place Safety State Inspection
Expression of Compliance Will from All Board of Members
Expression of Compliance Will from CEO
Technology Data Education to Field Officers
Education of Field Compliance Specialist (FCS)
Compliance Practice Oath by Board of Members
Top Management Team Compliance Education
1st Quarter Compliance Conference
Decide to Participate in Samsung Compliance Monitoring Committee
Organized the Compliance Team under the Direct Control of CEO
Compliance Support Activity Report by Board of Directors
Implementation of Integrated Global Compliance Program Management System (G-CPMS) for overseas subsidiaries
Compliance Committee Meeting for Q4
Awarding Excellence Prize to Employees for outstanding performance of compliance activities
Training to Compliance and Legal Personnel of overseas subsidiaries
On-site training hosted by head of business department
Compliance Committee Meeting for Q3
On-site meeting between Compliance group and business units
Monitoring business units' compliance of Dispatch Laws
Compliance Online Training to Employees
Compliance Committee Meeting for Q2
Check compliance of Subcontract Laws
Compliance Mobile Service OPEN
Compliance pledge by CEO
Leader-level Compliance special training
Check compliance of the Partner Cooperation Law
Compliance Special training to Project Managers
Conduct training to field FCS (Field Compliance Specialist)
SW License Usage Check
Compliance Activity Report to Board of Directors
Compliance Committee Meeting for Q1
Conduct meeting between Compliance Group and Compliance manager/person in charge of business units
Evaluation of compliance activity validity
Compliance Committee Meeting
Subsidiary meeting
Compliance Committee Meeting
Field FCS(Field Compliance Specialist)training for the second half of the year
On-site autonomous training hosted by head of department
Company-level corporate online training
Best Performance Award for the First Half of the year
Compliance Committee Meeting
Compliance pledge by CEO
Compliance Committee Meeting
Field FCS(Field Compliance Specialist) training for the first half of the year employee compliance pledge
Compliance manager/person in charge meeting
Compliance Activity Report to Board of Directors
Leader-level (Vice President/Group leader) Compliance special training
Awarding Excellence Prize and Sharing Best Practice for Compliance Activities
Regular monitoring of overseas subsidiaries
Compliance Online Training
Regular Monitoring of domestic subsidiaries
Monitoring the level of compliance within areas of Intellectual Property
Compliance Special training for Sales personnel
Trained Field Compliance Specialists
Signing a compliance undertaking by the employees
Reported the activities performed by the CCO to the board
Awarded excellent CP performers for their respective annual activities and introduced best practice cases
Held Global Compliance Forum (via video conference)
Launched compliance challenge campaign targeting CEO and executive officers
Compliance training of heads of overseas logistics entities
SDS compliance online training
CPMS renewal
Trained Field Compliance Specialists
Signing a compliance undertaking by the employees
Compliance pledge by CEO
Produced and disseminated training materials regarding privacy law
Evaluated open source software compliance issues
Performed special training for solutions business employees
Trained Field Compliance Specialists
Evaluated compliance in the solutions business
SDS Online Compliance Training
Trained CP instructors in overseas logistics subsidiaries
Spread the compliance system to subsidiaries
Urged employees to take compliance pledge
Incorporated executive officer compliance assessment
Appointment of Chief Compliance Officer by Compliance Committee
Conducted a compiance survey
Produced a contextual compliance guide
Conducted a compliance check at overseas subsidiaries
Opened Global Compliance Management System for overseas subsidiaries
2014 SDS Compliance online training
Enforced mandatory compliance training for employees running overseas projects
Implemented a Compliance Campaign
Demanded employees make compliance pledge
Incorporated executives’ compliance index in evaluation
Notified employees about compliance violation criteria
Rewarded top-performing employees and shared best practices of compliance
Created a compliance manual for overseas employees
Established SDS Code of Conduct
Opened Compliance Cyber PR Center
Conducted compliance training for overseas managers and high-risk positions
Renewed the CPMS system
Earned strategic logistics CP certification
Compliance pledge by employees
Incorporated executive officers’ compliance index into their personnel evaluation
Conducted a compliance survey for employees
Trained Field Compliance Specialists
Earned a CP Compliance grade Grade A
PM Academy Compliance training
Hosted a company-wide compliance event
Provided compliance training for subsidiaries
Implemented a company-wide compliance guide service
Commenced onsite training
Requested employees to take compliance pledge
Appointed Chief Compliance Officers at Compliance Committee.
Implemented Compliance Program for executives and senior managers
Monitored level of fair trade compliance
Provided Personal Information Protection Act training
Opened the Compliance Program Management System (CPMS)
Compliance pledge by employees
Compliance declaration ceremony
Established compliance office