
Management System

The responsibility for environmental and climate crisis response at Samsung SDS starts with the top executives. Together with the CEO, who serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Board performs governance and oversight of climate change strategy, operations, and management. Samsung SDS' executives oversee the company's comprehensive environmental management through the EHS Committee and the Environmental Management Working Group. The Environment Group of the EHS Center is responsible for devising and implementing environmental strategies, managing data, and fostering internal and external communication channels.

Environmental Governance

  • Board of Directors - ESG Committee
  • EHS Committee - CEO, CFO, Business head (Cloud, Solution, Logistics, Development Center), head of Legal Service Team, head of People Team, head of EHS Center
  • EHS Center (Environment Group) - Overall management of the company's environmental affairs, Management Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme, Compliance with environmental regulations, internal and external communication.
  • Environmental Management Working Group
    Cloud Service Division
    GHG reduction activities for data centers
    Establishment of eco-friendly data centers
    Compliance with data center environmental regulations/systems
    Logistics Business Division
    Scope 3 Transportation Emission Management
    Acqulisition of Green Logistics Certification
    Expansion of eco-friendly logistics services
    People Team
    Campus/vehicle emissions management
    Waste management
    Collaboration on employee environmental camplaigns
    Solution Business Division/Development Center/Partner Collaboration Team
    Development of eco-friendly solutions
    ESG Improvement activities for suppliers
    Eco-friendly purchasing
  • Environmental
    management system
    (ISO 14001)
    Environmental management system
    Samsung SDS has obtained and operated ISO 14001 certification for all domestic and global workplaces, focusing on enterprise-wide environmental organizations. It manages processes such as target management, education and training, document and record management, and internal review, as well as in-house standards for each part.
    • 2023

      Renewal certification

    • 2020

      Renewal certification

    • 2017

      Renewal certification

    • 2014

      Initial acquisition (ISO 14001)

  • Energy
    management system
    (ISO 50001)
    Energy management system
    Through ISO 5001 certification, Samsung SDS has established a systematic energy management system and has been globally proven to make efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy
    • 2023

      Initial acquisition (ISO 50001)
