Digital Responsibility

Digital Responsibility

Samsung SDS works toward ensuring open source compliance and contributing to open source ecosystem.

Samsung SDS is promoting various activities to help open source communities and developers grow together based on the values of sharing and cooperation. We have an open source policy that guarantees the appropriate usage of open source software, and this ensures we autonomously meet our obligations. This prevents legal risks that may arise from violating obligations, including violations of exclusive rights, or from indiscreet usage or distribution of open source licenses. Additionally, by complying with global open source security standards, we aim to prevent risks arising from the openness of open source software.

Samsung SDS has implemented an open source policy that includes the following elements.

Samsung SDS Open Source Policy contains Training & Assesment, Organization & Role, Open Source Usage and Notice, Open Source Contribution, Open Source Security, Responding to External Inquiry →Share Grouth Value Generation, Sharing & Collaboration, Ensuring Complience
Organization & Role

Samsung SDS runs the Open Source Program Office (hereinafter OSPO) to guarantee the efficient implementation of open source policy. OSPO supports/ manages employees’ safe and efficient open source activities, and provides guidance on executing proper compliance and open source use. This resource is responsible for setting up open source strategies to be applied across the entire company (e.g., crafting policy, training programs, spreading culture and etc.).

OPSO - Open Source Program Manager - Legal, Complience, License, Security, Patent, Development Culture - Development Team/Operation Team

Open Source Usage

At Samsung SDS, all employees comply with the open source policy and associated processes based on a thorough understanding when open sourcing software development. If employees have questions about policy compliance, refer them to OSPO to seek guidance.

Open Source Notice

At the point of distributing the software developed under an open source license, the employee is under an obligation to notify the user of open source use. This rule applies to all software developed by Samsung SDS that is delivered to clients.

Open Source Contribution

Samsung SDS encourages employees to participate in external open source projects to make contributions to creating business value in the open source software environment, and ensures policy compliance to prevent unintentional IP leaks or 3rd party infringements.

Responding to External Inquiries

OSPO immediately reviews the received external inquiries or requests about open source, and delegates authority to the appropriate organization to promptly address them.

Open Source Training

Samsung SDS offers regular open source training sessions to employees to spread the open source policy across the company and for employees to be aware of associated risks when open source obligations are not met. The company also operates an internal open source portal that is accessible to employees to refer to when having questions about open source policy.

Open Source Security

Samsung SDS complies with global open source security standards to protect its software from security vulnerabilities.



If you have any inquiries or requests about guidance on open source, refer them to OSPO at Samsung SDS.
· E-mail :

Samsung SDS' open source policy complies with the compliance standard ISO/IEC 5230 and security standard ISO/IEC 18974, as defined by the Linux Foundation's OpenChain project.
