Solução de inovação empresarial do futuro
Um portal de negócios completo que fornece com segurança as ferramentas essenciais de que você precisa para trabalhar: emails, aprovações e agendamento.
Comunique-se em um ambiente protegido que integra sistemas e notificações.
Esta solução de videoconferência oferece suporte a treinamentos, seminários e conferências online para até 1.000 participantes.
Uma solução de negócios que implementa chatbots de Inteligência Artificial especializados em processos de trabalho.
Uma solução de armazenamento de arquivos que te ajuda a trabalhar em qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora, e protege os ativos críticos da empresa.
Automação de negócios baseada em IA com um ambiente de desenvolvimento e módulos que podem automatizar tarefas complexas ou repetitivas.
Encontre os planos certos para a sua empresa. O Plano Básico inclui o Brity Mail e o Brity Messenger.
Para usuários que pagam o Plano Básico, o Brity Meeting Plus pode ser um complemento.
Caso deseje usar apenas o serviço Brity Meeting, use o Plano Reunião.
Chokwang paint was able to increase the work productivity of its employees by increasing the linkage between services. By introducing Brity Works, which provides groupware, portal, video conferencing, messenger, etc. in a single platform. In addition, it provides a convenient work environment by enabling automatic login to the in-house system with single sign-on(SSO).
By introducing AWS Cloud-based BrityWorks(Mail, Messenger) as a company-wide standard collaboration tool, collaboration among employees has become more effective.
AWS Cloud-based Brity Works(Mail, Messenger) was applied to the entire company and used as groupware and business communication tools.
It is now able to provide the insurance service that can immediately respond to customers’ requests with necessary materials in order to enhance the work efficiency for insurance salespersons and their collaboration
Brity RPA boosted productivity and innovation through the automation of manual tasks, such as subcontractor payment bond management and tax invoice consolidation.
By applying Brity RPA solution to all processes, including manufacturing, development, sales, and quality assurance, the efficiency of repetitive tasks and routine monitoring and reporting processes can be greatly enhanced.
We are saving 2,178 hours per year by deriving a total of 11 pilot tasks through pre-diagnosis, preparing RPA alternatives for manual processes, and automating tasks such as insurance credit information consistency review and firm banking payment management
Utilizing a real-time COVID-19 examination system based on Brity RPA/Assistant, Samsung SDS secures the health and safety of our employees.
Creating a digital safety management platform enhanced overall safety, quality and productivity management of EPC projects, and allowed faster and more flexible response to safety requirements that are growing in number and complexity.
Brity RPA helps automation to reduced the processing hour of freight tracking from 225 hours to 11 hours.
From the case of Amorepacific, find out how a digital workspace can vitalize communication and collaboration among 5000+ employees and partners working across 17 countries.
Brity Meeting & Messenger helps successfully realize new online hiring test in large scale for the first time as a Korean company.
Generative AI-based Collaboration solution
Saiba maisMensageiro Brity Works para empresas
Saiba maisTrabalhe colaborativamente em qualquer lugar com o Brity Mail
Saiba maisUm novo jeito de se comunicar
Saiba maisMantenha a sintonia com seus colegas de equipe. Facilitamos o compartilhamento.
Saiba maisCaso esteja procurando uma solução comercial específica ou apenas precise tirar algumas dúvidas, estamos aqui para ajudar.