We provide Block Storage, File Storage, Object Storage and other storages.

Yes, you should pay a fee in case of cancellation within a contrated term (at least one year). Fees may vary depending on products.

If you select the standard type, you can choose from resources we provide. If you select the customized type, you can creat your own resouces set based on your needs.

You can check the product version of OS or DB from different sources.
You can find version details on CMP.

Yes, you can change the resource volume within the limit.
However, if you're using a product for a fixed contract term, you can only add resources and cannot reduce volume.

Samsung SDS Cloud service is optimized for Internet Exploler 11 and works on the version of Chrome. >
We will release a mobile version of our app in the second half of 2018.

Samsung SDS Cloud service is comprised of the Portal and the Console. In the Portal, product information, use cases, customer service and other necessary information are available. The Console is an environment for customers to buy, setup and manage their products.

Installable products like open source platforms offer installation service only, without additional technical support while other products like VMs offer technical support for each level of your operations.

Budget is assigned to each task and you can use resources within the limit.

You can view performance indicators of OS such as CPU Usage, Swap, Network on the Dashboard.

Unfortunately, our service is currently available only for global affiliates of Samsung Group. We are planning to make our service available to global customers soon.

Technical support includes our immediate response to any error or failure, and dispatch of a technical specialist to your site if necessary.
We also provide regular/irregular updating service of installment and configuration of latest version software based on product release schedule. (What technical support fees depend upon to vary)

Log in to the Consol and go to [Dashboard] or [Product Purchase History].

If you have feedback or suggestions for our service, email us at cccs@samsung.com.

Samsung SDS Cloud service is available in Korean and English.
