Shareholders Meeting

  • Details

    Date March 19, 2025, 9:00 a.m. KST

    Place Magellan Hall(B1F), Samsung SDS 125, Olympic-ro 35-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea


    Annual General Meeting
    1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 40th term (Jan.1, 2024 ~ Dec.31, 2024)
    2 Appointment of Executive Directors
    2-1 Appointment of Executive Director, Junehee Lee
    2-2 Appointment of Executive Director, Hojoon Lee
    3 Approval of Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation
    4 Approval of Remuneration Limit for the Directors
  • Details

    Date March 20, 2024, 9:00 a.m. KST

    Place Magellan Hall(B1F), Samsung SDS 125, Olympic-ro 35-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea


    There were 60,063,775 shares present at the 39th Annual General Meeting.

    Annual General Meeting
    Agenda Approval rate (%)
    1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 39th term (Jan.1, 2023 ~ Dec.31, 2023) 96.02%
    2 Appointment of Directors
    2-1 Appointment of Outside Director, Insill Yi 99.97%
    2-2 Appointment of Inside Director, Sungwoo Hwang 96.62%
    2-3 Appointment of Inside Director, Hyung Joon Koo 99.81%
    3 Appointment of a member to the Audit Committee, Insill Yi 99.84%
    4 Approval of Remuneration Limit for the Directors 88.91%

    Shares present: Total number of shares with voting rights represented at the opening of the Meeting. (Agenda No.1 basis)
    (The number of shares with voting rights for each resolution item may change according to relevant laws and regulations.)

  • Results

    38th Annual General Meeting (Shares present: 57,927,994 shares)

    Annual General Meeting
    Agenda Approval rate (%)
    1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 38th term (Jan.1, 2022 ~ Dec.31, 2022) 96.16%
    2 Appointment of Directors
    2-1 Appointment of Outside Director, Seung Ah Cho 99.24%
    2-2 Appointment of Outside Director, Mooil Moon 99.97%
    2-3 Appointment of Outside Director, Jaejin Lee 98.57%
    2-4 Appointment of Inside Director, Jung Tae Ahn 98.00%
    3 Appointment of Outside Director and Audit Committee Member, Hyunhan Shin 97.51%
    4 Appointment of members to the Audit Committee
    4-1 Appointment of a member to the Audit Committee, Seung Ah Cho 98.10%
    4-2 Appointment of a member to the Audit Committee, Mooil Moon 99.87%
    5 Approval of Remuneration Limit for the Directors 99.20%

    Shares present: Total number of shares with voting rights represented at the opening of the Meeting. (Agenda No.1 basis)
    (The number of shares with voting rights for each resolution item may change according to relevant laws and regulations.)

  • Results

    37th Annual General Meeting (Shares present: 59,262,555 shares)

    Annual General Meeting
    Agenda Approval rate (%)
    1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 37th term (Jan.1, 2021 ~ Dec.31, 2021) 96.85%
    2 Approval of the celling amount of Remuneration for the Directors 90.82%

    Shares present: Total number of shares with voting rights represented at the opening of the Meeting. (Agenda No.1 basis)
    (The number of shares with voting rights for each resolution item may change according to relevant laws and regulations.)

  • Results

    36th Annual General Meeting (Shares present: 60,784,889 shares)

    Annual General Meeting
    Agenda Approval rate (%)
    1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 36th term (Jan.1, 2020 ~ Dec.31, 2020) 97.10%
    2 Appointment of Directors
    2-1 Appointment of Inside Director, Sungwoo Hwang 99.17%
    2-2 Appointment of Inside Director, Hyung Joon Koo 98.93%
    3 Approval of the celling amount of Remuneration for the Directors 90.81%

    Shares present: Total number of shares with voting rights represented at the opening of the Meeting. (Agenda No.1 basis)
    (The number of shares with voting rights for each resolution item may change according to relevant laws and regulations.)

  • Results

    35th Annual General Meeting (Shares present: 61,453,509 shares)

    Annual General Meeting
    Agenda Approval rate (%)
    1 Approval of Financial Statements for the 35th term (Jan.1, 2020 ~ Dec.31, 2020) 96.91%
    2 Appointment of Directors
    2-1 Appointment of Inside Director, Jung Tae Ahn 99.43%
    2-2 Appointment of Outside Director, Jae Man Yu 98.22%
    2-3 Appointment of Outside Director, Chuck Yoo 99.98%
    2-4 Appointment of Outside Director, Hyunhan Shin 99.90%
    2-5 Appointment of Outside Director, Seung Ah Cho 99.98%
    3 Appointment of members to the Audit Committee
    3-1 Appointment of a member to the Audit Committee, Jae Man Yu 95.75%
    3-2 Appointment of a member to the Audit Committee, Hyunhan Shin 99.76%
    3-3 Appointment of a member to the Audit Committee, Seung Ah Cho 99.95%
    4 Approval of the celling amount of Remuneration for the Directors 99.25%

    Shares present: Total number of shares with voting rights represented at the opening of the Meeting. (Agenda No.1 basis)
    (The number of shares with voting rights for each resolution item may change according to relevant laws and regulations.)


A general meeting of shareholders is the Company’s highest decision-making body. It decides on and approves important issues concerning the Company’s management, including the election of Directors, amendments to the Articles of Incorporation, approval of financial statements, etc.


General meetings of shareholders shall be either ordinary or extraordinary meetings.

Ordinary general meetings are held within three months of the close of the fiscal year and extraordinary general meetings are held whenever deemed necessary. Extraordinary general meetings may be called by the Board of Directors or by persons as authorized by the Articles of Incorporation and the Commercial Code, and convened in accordance with the relevant procedures.

Notice of convening

Pursuant to the Article 19-1 of the Articles of Incorporation, a written or electronic notice thereof setting forth the time, date, place, and agenda of the meeting shall be sent to the shareholders at least two weeks prior to the general meeting of shareholders. For the purpose of transparency and protecting shareholder voting rights, the Company currently has a policy to notify the shareholders of the general meeting 2~4 weeks prior to the general meeting of shareholders.

In accordance with our Article of Incorporation, each shareholder is entitled to one vote per share. The Company does not have any system or method (such as a dual class voting structure, etc.) to discriminate shareholders' voting rights.

Notice to shareholders who own less than 1% of the total number of issued stocks with voting rights is replaced by public disclosure through the electronic disclosure system in accordance with Article 19-3 of the Articles of Incorporation.

Method of adopting resolutions at Shareholders Meeting

Ordinary resolution
Pursuant to the Commercial Code and the Articles of Incorporation, resolutions shall be passed by more than one half (1/2) of votes of the shareholders present at the general meeting of shareholders and by more than one fourth (1/4) of outstanding votes. Items of Ordinary Resolutions include election of Directors, remuneration for Directors, approval of financial statements, etc.
Extraordinary resolution
Pursuant to the Commercial Code and the Articles of Incorporation, resolutions for matters that are significant to the Company’s operation, including but not limited to Articles of Incorporation amendments and mergers & acquisitions, shall be passed by two thirds (2/3) of votes of the shareholders present at the general meeting of shareholders and by more than one third (1/3) outstanding votes. Items of Extraordinary Resolutions include amendment to the Articles of Incorporation, dismissal of Directors, approval of split or merger of the Company, etc.

Protection of minorty shareholders

We are committed to protecting the rights of the Company’s minority shareholders, whose rights are set forth below:

Right to call general meetings of shareholders
In accordance with the Commercial Code, shareholders who own more than 1.5% of outstanding shares with voting rights of the Company for more than six month may request to convene extraordinary general meetings.
Right to present shareholder proposals
In accordance with the Commercial Code and the Articles of Incorporation, shareholders who own more than 0.5% of outstanding shares with voting rights for more than six months may present shareholder proposals at a general meeting. The Board shall accept the proposal as an agenda item of a general meeting of shareholders, state the item in the notice of convocation of the meeting, except where such proposal is in violation of laws or the Articles of Incorporation, or where it is subject to the rejection of a shareholder proposal as stipulated in Article 12 of the Enforcement Degree of the Commercial Code. When requested by the shareholder who made the proposal, the details of the agenda item shall be stated in the notice of the meeting, and the shareholder will be given the opportunity to present the proposal at the meeting. Once a proposal is submitted, the shareholder will be identified, a legal review will be conducted, and then a letter or electronic notice will be sent to the shareholder to verify submission.

(Address: 125, Olympic-ro 35-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea, e-mail:
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  • +82-2-6155-5114|