Easy-to-use self service from BM provisioning to monitoring and billing is provided using a web-based console. Standard spec (CPU, memory, and disk) servers can easily be created to be used immediately and resource usage information is also readily available.
The servers are physically separated and more suited for workload requiring high capacity and high performance, such as real-time systems, HPC (High Performance Computing) and servers with excessive I/O usage.
Based on our extensive experience as a service provider, Samsung SDS offers an optimal server and goes through internal testing to guarantee performance and reliability. Customers can choose the best resource for their service environment using the Bare Metal Server with varying specs on the Samsung Cloud Platform.
- Provide various instance types of standard spec
- Offer various OS types and standard images for creating resources conveniently
(e.g. Cent OS, Windows, RHEL, Ubuntu, Oracle Linux and Rocky Linux)
- Provide additional connection storage besides OS disk
- Subnet/IP setting and linking with VPC Firewall
- Provide local subnet setting for communication between servers
- Provide NAT IP setting for external internet connection
- Adding/editing/deleting tag
- Uses Init Script
- Provide configuration for multi-AZ for enhanced availability
Whether you’re looking for a specific business solution or just need some questions answered, we’re here to help