Brightics AI Accelerator

Deliver AI fast, easy and efficient with AutoML Suite and AI Consulting.

Simple, fast, and automated machine learning platform plus consulting services

Progressive enterprise companies are turning to automated machine learning to increase productivity efficiently with each additional server in distributed a cluster without having to build and maintain infrastructure. Brightics AI Accelerator provides the simplest, fastest and easiest Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) platform for professional Data and ML scientists who want to reduce model training from weeks to hours with only a few lines of code. Whether you start with a complimentary assessment or dive into a data trial, scientific consulting services can help you transform your business and customer engagement workflows to capitalize on the promise and potential of AI.

Major Services

  • What can Brightics AI Accelerator do for you and your business?




  • Initial and Data Assessments

    Assessment service explores your specific use case and determines a scope of work to produce desired results while a Data Assessment determines the predictive power of your data based on a snapshot of the data over a milestone-based, phased approach and make a GO/NO-GO decision to proceed.

  • Automated setup

    Offers simplified one-click installation in the Cloud and accelerated setup for on-premise.

  • PyCharm IDE

    AI Machine Learning teams run data preparation, training, and inference jobs entirely from PyCharm IDE using REST APIs

  • Jupyter notebooks

    Data science teams run data preparation, training, and inference jobs entirely from one single interface with minimal code

  • Advanced cluster management

    Integrated environment for Data Science and Machine Learning teams to collaborate using simple, automated distributed training, data preparation and inference on large clusters

  • Linear scalability

    Increases image data throughput near linearly with large numbers of up to 256 GPUs in your cluster for Keras, TensorFlow and PyTorch training

  • AutoDL

    Automates and accelerates deep learning model training using data-parallel, distributed synchronous Horovod Ring-All-Reduce TensorFlow and PyTorch frameworks with minimal code. AutoDL exploits up to 256 GPUs per iteration to produce a model in 2 hours versus 3 weeks using traditional methods. Automates transfer learning for image data considering all models in the model zoo with hyper-parameter search.

  • AutoML

    Automates and accelerates model training on tabular data by using automated model selection from scikit-learn, automated feature synthesis, and hyper-parameter search optimization. AutoML with synthetic feature generation exploits up to 256 CPU cores simultaneously to produce a scikit-learn model in 1 hour versus 2 months using traditional methods.

Use Cases

Discover the capabilities of Brightics AI Accelerator

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