Easy-to-use self service from VM provisioning to monitoring and billing via a web-based console. If the capacity of CPU, memory or other key resources needs to change while using virtual servers, scaling in/out can easily be done without operator intervention.
Virtualized vCore/memory resources are provided according to the pre-determined VM spec (1-96 vCore)
• Regular VM : Generally used computing spec (up to 16vCore, 256GB)
• GPU VM : Provide pass-through GPU
• Large VM : Offer when more resources than the maximum spec of regular VM are required
VMs are securely protected by inbound/outbound traffic control with external Internet or other VPC through Security Group service. Real-time monitoring also support reliable operation of computing resources.
- Select VM for work type and required spec
(regular VM, GPU VM, or large VM)
- Offer various OS types and standard images for creating resources conveniently
(e.g. Cent OS, Windows, RHEL, and Ubuntu)
- Provide additional storage besides OS disk
- Set up subnet/IP (up to three local subnets) and enable the use/turn off NAT IP setting
- Provide Security Group integration setting
- Manage changes in VM spec.
- Manage custom image creation/deletion and tag creation/revision
- Schedule-based VM on/off
(combination of date/day/time)
Whether you’re looking for a specific business solution or just need some questions answered, we’re here to help