Restful API helps easy and fast access to Object Storage on applications. Compatibility with Amazon S3 is also provided to encourage usage on S3-linked applications.
Version management, SSE-S3 encryption for data, IP-based ACL, and public authority control functions are provided to secure a high level of data durability and security.
The service is made for secure data storage or backup data storage for service recovery.
Web-based interface enables access to data in the Internet environment whenever and wherever.
Object Storage serves as an economic and secure data storage for data saved in Block Storage and File Storage.
- Create a folder within a bucket and give public authority to all files within the folder
- Offer basic encryptions for buckets (AES-256 algorithm)
- Upload objects (photos, videos, etc.) to buckets or folders within buckets after creating buckets
- Manage authentication key based on private/public settings
- Able to recover deleted or replaced objects using bucket version management setting
- Use Amazon S3 management key encryption (SSE-S3)
- Apply encryptions to created files and add tags
- Set server access logs to record detailed data on access requests
- Manage read/write authority on files for each user and access authority of other users
- Grant access to only authorized IPs using Filtering function
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