(Virtual Private Network)

Connecting External and Cloud Networks through Encrypted Virtual Network

VPN securely connects the external customer network to the Samsung Cloud Platform network via encrypted and dedicated virtual networks. Access environments can easily be set on the web-based console and secure access to Samsung Cloud Platform is guaranteed for authorized customer network through security channels.




Service Architecture

  • LAN → User → Internet → Ipsec Tunnel → NAT → Firewall → Security Group : Subnet - VM, VM ... / Security Group : Subnet - VM, VM ... → VPC
  • LAN → User → Internet → Ipsec Tunnel → Customer VPN CPE
  • LAN → User → Internet → Ipsec Tunnel → VPN → Security Group : Subnet - VM, VM ... → VPC

Key Features

  • Virtual tunneling encrypted with IPsec

    - Compatible VPN : Cisco, Palo Alto, Check Point, Juniper and other IPsec VPN

  • Virtual private gateway creation

    - Create a gateway to connect the customer’s network to a private network without external access
    - Select traffic bandwidth for two-way communications considering the network size (up to 100 Mbps)

  • VPN Tunnel creation

    - Select IPsec VPN gateway (up to 5 VPN tunnels per VPN gateway)
    - Redundant IPsec VPN gateway to ensure automatic running of standby equipment in case of failure on active equipment


    • Billing
    • Monthly billing according to creation of IPsec VPN gateways
    • Internet outbound traffic charge : Charge by GB of VPN Internet-oriented outbound traffic
Let’s talk

Whether you’re looking for a specific business solution or just need some questions answered, we’re here to help
