(Domain Name System)

Convenient Domain Setting and Management

DNS service converts a domain name on the Internet to an IP address made up of identifiable numbers to allow access. Using the DNS service, users can create and register the desired domain and manage domain records on their own.




Service Architecture

User → Internet → DNS Request → DNS → DNS Response → NAT → Firewall → Internet → Security Group → Security Group : Subnet - VM, VM ... / Security Group : Subnet - VM, VM ... → VPC

Key Features

  • Domain creation/management

    - Request a new domain or transfer an existing domain

  • Hosting zone selection (Internet/internal network)

    - Public domain : Can be accessed from anywhere with Internet connection
    - Private domain : Allows access from designated networks only without Internet exposure

  • Support for various resource records

    - A record : Designate an IP address for a domain to find the IP using a domain name
    - NS (Name Server) record : Designate a DNS server (Name Server) of the owned domain name
    - TXT record : Enter text data for the domain
    - CNAME : Set an alias for the domain name
    - MX (Mail Server) : Appoint mail servers for the user’s domain and sub-domain


    • Billing
    • Daily billing for hosting zone usage
    • The first 12 hours after creation are considered a test period and free of charge
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