Project board helps visualize the process and prioritize tasks. In addition, having an at-a-glance view of complex code reduces coding errors and ensures that high quality
code is merged. Matrix build functionality also allows simultaneous testing on various operating systems and runtime versions.
Developers can use custom workflow in other repositories, enabling seamless collaboration between collaborators. On the repository setting, users can grant an optimal level of access to collaborators which ensures efficient management of private and public tasks for team projects.
After automatically analyzing security vulnerabilities and all commit for open source modules used in the On-premises GitHub repository, users will be notified of security
vulnerabilities, making safe source code integration possible. To prevent information leakage, a security alarm is generated when token information is written in a private
repository while switching to a public repository.
Visual-based workflow graph helps with reducing the time spent understanding workflow as well as checking progress and problems.
- Automate development environment through integration with DevOps Service
- Support various languages : Java, JavaScript, .NET, Python, Ruby
- Provide web-based GUI
- Provide Wiki and job tools for collaboration
- Use custom workflow in another repository
- Use the workflow generated by other user in private repository
- Provide access control for security
- Provide code scanning and secret scanning
- Provide visual workflow graph
- Checking progress and identifying problems are easy
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